Monday, July 27, 2009

one year ago today...

...New Zealand was an open book of adventures and new possibilities. A year long trip that had only just begun by the mere fact that we had stepped onto that first plane.

Maybe that's why I've had this strange hurt inside today. A deep longing.

I have been so busy living in a very un-adjusted situation for the past month and a half, planning and preparing myself for what is to come. New job. New apartment (the hunt for which took longer then expected). Starting up my NPO. Re-visiting the life I left behind a year ago. Simply trying to catch up and then keep up.

I haven't had the time to really sit and think about the trip. I have found myself feeling as though the trip never happened - an entire year felt like a dream.

Until today. And now I have this feeling inside my gut that seems so hollow and sad. I looked at a familiar photograph, and my heart sank...wishing I was there, in the heart of that beautiful landscape, surrounded by mountains all around me.

I miss being there.

But it's because of how wonderful the country was. How beautiful and perfect the hiking was. The adventures and the memories. The people we met along the way. The new friends and family we made.

New Zealand is but a dream. A dream I very much miss.