Friday, April 18, 2008

100 days

and counting.

I feel like I've entered a new level of countdown. I'm feeling mixed emotions. I'm off work for now - and I can't keep up my energy levels to plan this trip. I have so much information around me and it's overwhelming. Trying to figure out what information I need to bring for each leg of the trip. There is so much that we could do - but will we be able to financially.

Today, I looked at China and Vanuatu. Our two other destinations. One part of me wants to make sure we are able to enjoy the most in our short time at these locations. The other part of me wants to just wing it. It feels easier to wing it. In the long run, it probably isn't. Not knowing dates puts a damper on pre-planning.

This is the happiest time of my life (so far) and the scariest. I think too much, and feel that I might be overthinking my entire plan. I sit surrounded by printouts and books filled with travelling information that I am craving - but it's suffocating. The trip is still over three months away. But to plan for an entire year of just 'go go go' walking is a different kind of planning than others I know have had to go through. We will never remain in an area more than a night. We will never stop moving. You have to be ten steps ahead of yourself so you don't get lost or lose motivation. I'm wondering if my mind will be able to rest on this trip at all. Or will it be zooming around the entire time, and only upon my return will I be at rest.

Today - this is how I feel. I'm searching through a pile of websites that I have collected over the years preparing for this trip. Hundreds of sites scribbled down on loose papers and post it notes. My to do list is growing by the second. It's hard to stay focused. I'm making good progress, but looking at all this new information, I feel like I'm falling fast behind in my plans.

I just want to be there. Planned and ready. Buying gear is only half of the work. Preparing mentally seems to be proving more challenging than I thought. Despite the fact that all I want to do is be planning this trip, my mind wanders and procrastinates from my preparations.

Another thing I've been procrastinating from has been this blog. Yet I have soooo much to catch up on and add to.

Maybe tomorrow. As the countdown enters the double digits.

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