Saturday, March 24, 2007

Swimming Lesson #1

Brent and I finally made our way to the Eglinton Community Centre nearby.

Interesting first lesson.

So - i don't really know how to swim. I know how to enjoy water - I do love being in the water. I just have this phobia of drowning cause for some reason, I never really learned how to tread water. So patient Brent has agreed to teach me. :)

The first day (which was a few weeks ago now) was funny. I think we spent 50mins in the pool - but I would totally have stayed longer.

He patiently worked with me as I tried to get the motion of the egg beater just right. Not right enough, cause I was still drifting below the water's surface...but it was a valiant first attempt (if i do say so myself).

But the real kick in the face was when that four year old boy passed by with his father in tow cheering him on - as he demonstrated various swimming strokes. I think that's when i looked at brent and wanted to cry. Seriously? i'm excited cause i can almost coordinate my legs and arms at 26, and this kid is a swimming champion in the making at age 4?

Somewhere, 22 years ago, I missed the boat.

I failed yellow my first time in swimming lessons at age 8 because I didn't want to open my eyes under water in chlorine. Hmmmm. Why weren't goggles an option?

Oh - and Brent was a champion swimmer. I suggested we race back to the edge of the pool, because I'm so proud that i sort of know how to do a slew of swimming strokes, and because i totally forgot that he used to swim. He starts to break through the water - with like perfect form with his strokes.

Yeah - i tend to bite off more than i can chew...always. Needless to say, there was no way that I could win any swimming races with him.

Give me the summer - i'll be a pro by the end.

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