Thursday, October 2, 2008

I've got me some of that Influenza goodness

Right about now, I think part of me wishes I believed enough in the flu shot to have taken one before this trip.

After waking up and spending the first four hours of the day with the right side of my body in excruciating pain and congestion beating at my skull, I called home to seek advice.

Then, I listened to my parents and 'splurged' on a doctor's visit here in Te Anau (will be reimbursed by our insurance). And low and behold, influenza. But the worst of it might be over - well at least the fever, chills and hot sweats. Cause those are pleasant. :)

Oh yeah, and it's complete with an ear infection.

My prescription - antibiotics and advice to wait yet another two days before setting out on the track.

Now we see if Sunday will be our lucky day.

Fun times.

On a plus side, we've met a lot of really cool Canadians at this hostel over the last few nights. :)

And another plus - the weather is kind of crappy for the next few days - so we're really not missing out on much on the trails just yet. And we should still be able to clear the three Great Walks prior to the tramping season's opening on October 28th. But we will be in Te Anau (and area) until probably mid-November.

Tonight, more rest, and coughing. With our trusty Boysenberry Ripple Ice cream container nearby in case the coughing attacks get too strong.

Being sick at home sucks, I know. But waiting on your trip as you try to recover and gain more energy is brutal.

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