Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We woke up yesterday to a true winter wonderland. It was so beautiful. Te Anau sits at around 200m above sea level, and it was covered in a few inches of soft snow. The mountains glowing with their different shades of white. The peaks piercing bright while the lower parts were speckled green and white as the sun started to melt the snow on their branches.

Our road trip to Milford Sound has been postponed until Friday, as more snow is expected today. As wonderful as the Sergeant is, I don't even think carrying the mandatory chains on our tires would help us get up the windy and steep highway. So, we wait and spend a bit more time in our homey Te Anau hostel.

I feel like we're back home. Snow in November.

We've since decided we need to be in the mountains on Christmas. It would be wonderful to be around snow capped peaks with a fresh coating on the 25th of December.

I've completed my physiotherapy. Sadly with more then usual back pain, and now a busted right knee - which I guess is normal for me. But some of the exercises that the physiotherapist gave me now utilize my entire lower body. I looked like a turtle on its back yesterday when I couldn't muster up the strength to pull my body up when required strength was lacking from my right side. Oy vay.

Oh, and I had acupuncture for the first - and most likely the last time of my life. I did not enjoy that at all. And it was only 5 needles. Three in my back, one in my left hand and one in my right foot. Just too freaky. I never saw the needles in me, but could feel them. And knowing how deep you actually have them sitting in you, makes me queezy. But it was an experience, and I received a parting gift. One acupuncture needle as a souvenir.

The physiotherapist reckons it'll be at least 3 months before I can strengthen my back to a safe sturdy level. Should be fun. More entertainment for me as I teach Brent further exercises that we get to do together at hostels and in huts on a regular basis. Heh, heh.

Special note for our Hocus Pocus Ice Cream. We actually bought 2L of ice cream two weeks ago, since it was cheaper then going to the ice cream shop. We kept it in Rosie & Alistair's freezer and munched on it regularly after tramps. Hokey Pokey & Chocolate ice cream with chocolate covered hokey pokey pieces in it.


Now it is all gone.

But man, was it ever delicious. :)

One more night before we leave to Milford Sound for one night, then we return to Te Anau for our final evening in our latest home. Then we'll be back to living out of the car. We truly were spoiled. Spending close to two weeks with the McLay family, followed by only two nights in Invercargill before settling in Te Anau for the last month. It's been so wonderful feeling like you had a home. We've had that three times in NZ, with the Pearce family, the McLays and our lovely friends Janine & Sarah in New Plymouth.

On the road again. Life as a backpacker. Can't get too comfy or we might never go back home.

Which, by the way, I'll be happy to return to. Thank you US citizens for not messing up the elections this time. This will be an interesting time in North America, and in the world. Obama's victory speech last night was a welcome and joyful moment for a lot of people staying in the hostel. None of which were American.


1 comment:

Heather said...

hahaha, the non-americans watching the US election at a hostel in NZ just got an explosive laugh...omg.

but, dear tough alison, YOU ONLY HAVE ONE BACK. treat it well, i don't want you to come home and every time your back hurts you shudder and go "oh, NEW ZEALAND". take care of yourself, and don't hurt yourself more. and listen to brent. he loves you. (hee)