Sunday, July 20, 2008

In a week from today...

At this exact moment, we will be 3 hours from the city we call home, and 2 hours from landing in Vancouver.

All day, we've been figuring out where we'll be in a week from today.

7 days.

I can't actually express how stressed we both are. There is SO MUCH left to do, and today proved to be a very unsuccessful shopping day. Brent still doesn't have any pants he can bring to NZ. Most people don't have to nit pick every item they bring. They can pack their suitcases and not be bothered by never wearing 60% of the clothes that they brought.

We carry everything. Every ounce counts. And the materiel matters even more. Cotton - breathes but doesn't wick away moisture, sweat. And the thicker it is, the slower it dries. Quick dry clothes/synthetics is what we need. And it's not proving to be the easiest task.

I had to resort to youth clothing for pants. Have two pair of convertible pants and that might be all I get. They are the right waist, but just just just the right length (i hate that - i like a bit of length in the legs).

Tops - a whole other problem. I think I'm okay for long sleeves - but can't find any t-shirts or tank tops that will fit me properly. Brent is also finding the same problem. He's like the average guy size. So if you were like an XL, you would find everything you wanted to at MEC. Brent can't find his size ever. Unless it's a black shirt - he can ALWAYS find the black tops in his size. I feel like he is going to come out of these shopping experiences with only black tops. A bit of a frustration for us (not the fact that Brent will wear black, but the fact that throughout the months of clothing shopping - this has been a continued problem).

Settling is not an option. What we buy is our wardrobe for an entire year - unless we feel rich and purchase more items out there. But I'm not predicting that will happen.

Clothes. You can't live without them.

Tomorrow - we try again.

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